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The Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee with jurisdiction over President Obama’s legislation for a plebiscite in Puerto Rico on options that would resolve the question of the territory’s future status today proposed the measure’s approval.

The subcommittee is expected to follow his lead tomorrow.

Chairman Frank Wolf (R-Virginia) released a draft Fiscal Year 2014 Commerce, Justice, Science, Justice, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill that includes the Obama-proposed $2.5 million for the plebiscite.

The appropriation to the U.S. Department of Justice would be granted to Puerto Rico’s Elections Commission but could only be used when the U.S. attorney general determines that the plebiscite options and explanatory materials do not conflict  with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the United States.

The condition was proposed by the Obama White House to ensure that the plebiscite does not include a status proposal like the “commonwealth” plans that have confused status plebiscites held under Puerto Rican law only.

Under the ‘commonwealth’ party’s “commonwealth status” plan, the United States would be permanently bound to an unprecedented governing arrangement.  Under it, Puerto Rico would be able to nullify the application of Federal laws and Federal court jurisdiction and enter into international agreements as if it were a sovereign nation and the U.S. would grant the insular government a new subsidy as well as all current benefits to Puerto Ricans.

The Obama, George W. Bush, and Clinton Administrations judged the party’s proposal to be impossible for constitutionaland other reasons, as have leaders of the congressional committees of jurisdiction.

The legislation also casts serious doubt on the inclusion in the plebiscite of Puerto Rico’s current unincorporated territory status, often misleadingly also called “commonwealth.” Since the residents of an unincorporated territory can always petition for statehood or nationhood, it cannot “resolve” the status issue.

Further, not even Puerto Rico’s ‘commonwealth’ party wants continued territory status, and President Obama’s Task Force on Puerto Rico’s Status, like previous Federal administrations, reported that Puerto Rico would constitutionally have to remain subject to congressional governing authority under the Constitution’s Territory Clause under any “Commonwealth” arrangement.

Puerto Rico held a plebiscite under local law at the time of last November’s elections for office. Voters rejected the current territory status by 54% and chose statehood among the possible alternatives by 61.2%.

The Obama White House publicly recognized these results but proposed another plebiscite because the Puerto Rico ‘commonwealth’ party governor and legislative majority elected at that time threatened to generate opposition in Congress to implementing the status choice of Puerto Ricans that would doom an implementation bill.

Party leaders and lobbyists also tried to undermine the Obama proposal but failed with Wolf.

Earlier party leaders and lobbyists failed in opposing very similar legislation when proposed by President Clinton and agreed to in a Congress in which Republicans held the majority in both the House and the Senate in 2000.

U.S. Representative Jose Serrano (D-New York), who was born in Puerto Rico and serves on the Wolf-led Appropriations Subcommittee, played a key role in obtaining Wolf’s support.

1ra demostracion en Wasington D.c. en favor de los Derechos Plenos, para los ciudadanos Americanos en la Isla de Puerto Rico despues de el mandato del pueblo. en el plebicito ..Wdc 11/21/2012

Carta de «Igualdad» a Comite de Energia y Recursos Naturales del Senado E.U.

1 de Julio de 2013 a la(s) 17:04

En las próximas vistas del Senado sobre el Estatus de Puerto Rico,la organizacion Igualdad continúa activa y hacienda todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para llevar el mensaje en defensa de la igualdad de derechos para los ciudadanos Americanos residentes en Puerto Rico.

Adjunto copia de la carta que nuestro Asesor Legal y Constitucionalista por excelencia Alfredo Castellanos enviara al Comité de Energía y Recursos Naturales del Senado.

Sugiero la lean y estudien con detenimiento.Tiene una serie de principios que no han sido esbozados todavía o que no han logrado la atención que a meritan.

Considero que esta Carta expresa muchos de los argumentos que nos dan la razón en la defensa de la Estadidad y nos levantan el animo cuando hacemos planteamientos al poder Legislativo y al Ejecutivo federal.

Me satisfice compartir con ustedes esta joya política, legal y constitucional.
Felicito y agradezco a Alfredo en nombre de Igualdad por su iniciativa.

Dr.Hernan Padilla.


¡Demuestra tu compromiso con la ESTADIDAD!


  • Hasta ahora, más de 85 Congresistas de ambos partidos nacionales han endosado el HR2000 (Proyecto de Ley para convertir a Puerto Rico en un Estado de la Unión), incluyendo a TODA la delegación demócrata del Estado de la Florida.
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz, la Presidenta del Partido Demócrata de Estados Unidos, también firmó el HR2000.
  • Organizaciones nacionales como la Liga de Ciudadanos Latinoamericanos (LULAC) y la Juventud del Partido Demócrata de Estados Unidos, han endosado el HR2000.
  • Organizaciones políticas importantes en Puerto Rico, como el Partido Republicano, la Juventud Republicana, los Estadistas Demócratas, ¡Igualdad Futuro Seguro! (Dr. Hernán Padilla), Misión Estadista y la Federación de Alcaldes, además, endosan el HR2000.
  • También lo endosan el Partido Nuevo Progresista, su base y todos sus Alcaldes incumbentes.


¡Ahora te toca a ti!  Sólo tienes que seguir 3 pasos:


1.  Entra ahora mismo a y dale tu apoyo al HR2000  .


2.  Entra también a la página oficial de la Cámara Federal y conviértete en co-auspiciador del HR2000:



Dale «forward’ a este email y comunícate con tus familiares y amigos,especialmente los que residen en los estados, y pídeles que también endosen el HR2000.



Por la igualdad.  Por el progreso.  Por Puerto Rico. y