Code Pink vs. John McCain – Por Marilou Rivera Ramos

viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Code Pink vs. John McCain

“I have never seen anything as disgraceful and outrageous and despicable as the last demonstration that just took place”

Senator John McCain

The disruption lasted about two minutes. As officers led the protesters away, McCain, R-Ariz., who chairs the committee, apologized to Kissinger.


Todos sabemos que en la política los colores son distintivos de los partidos políticos, incluso de ideologías. El rojo se relaciona con los comunistas y curiosamente en los Estados Unidos, simboliza a los republicanos “de derecha”.

Pero además, está el color rosa que simboliza a los que son social-demócratas…

Pink is sometimes used by Social Democrats, such as in France and Portugal. The more traditional colour of social democracy is red (because social democracy is descended from the democratic socialist movement), but some countries have large social-democratic parties alongside large socialist or communist parties, so that it would be confusing for them all to use red.

In such cases, social democrats are usually the ones who give up red in favor of a different color. Pink is often chosen because it is seen as a softer, less aggressive version of red, in the same way that social democracy is more centrist and less militant than socialism.

In some European nations and the United States, pink is associated with homosexuality and the pink flag is used as a symbol in support of civil rights for LGBT people.

This goes back to the Nazi German policy of assigning pink triangles to homosexual prisoners. Pink is the color of the feminist party Feminist Initiative in Sweden. WIKIPEDIA

En Puerto Rico tenemos también a los grupos de izquierda feminista que usan ese color para identificarse en sus manifestaciones a favor de la liberación de Oscar López, por cierto muy rojas-rojitas en sus ideologías.

Parece que el rosa es el color del feminismo izquierdoso. ¿Serán una franquicia de Code Pink? Who knows?

Pero, a lo que vinimos, ayer se suscitó en Washington un suceso bochornoso para las mujeres que estaban en el Capitolio Federal en unas vistas dirigidas por John McCain sobre el tema de la Defensa. El exsecretario de estado bajo Nixon, Henry Kissinger, le tocaba dar una ponencia y el grupo de mujeres de Code Pink se les fue el caché e hicieron el ridículo.

McCain las llamó “low life scum”, que en español puertorriqueño sería algo así como “escoria guetosa”

¿Quiénes son Code Pink?

Code Pink: Women for Peace is an NGO that describes itself as a «grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end U.S.-funded wars and occupations, to challenge militarism globally, and to redirect our resources into health care, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities».

It is primarily focused on anti-war issues, but has also taken positions on gun control, social justice, Palestinian statehood, green jobs and health care issues. The organization advertises itself as women-initiated and mainly composed of women, and has been characterized as being left-wing.

It has regional offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, and Washington, D.C., and many more chapters in the U.S. as well as several in other countries.

With members wearing the group’s signature pink color, Code Pink has conducted marches, protests, and high-visibility publicity stunts in order to promote its goals. WIKIPEDIA

Otra vez me pregunto ¿Quién las financia?

Para el record, porque en Puerto Rico esto no es noticia…

Get out of here you low-life scum’

Sen. John McCain loses his cool with protesters

The Arizona Republican kicked a group of anti-war demonstrators out of a Senate committee hearing after they interrupted with chants calling for the arrest of Henry Kissinger.



Published: Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sen. John McCain lashed out at protesters during a congressional committee hearing Thursday, hurling insults at the lot and kicking them out of the chamber.“Get out of here, you low-life scum,” the grizzled 78-year-old Arizona Republican told a group of anti-war demonstrators calling themselves “Code Pink.”

“You’re going to have to shut up or I’m going to have you arrested,” he said.In the middle of the hearing — a Senate Armed Services Committee panel on national security — the protesters approached a witness table where former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and George P. Shultz were testifying.“Arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes,» chanted the protesters, who were also carrying large banners calling the 91-year-old Kissinger a war criminal.

The melee went on for more than two minutes, prompting McCain to lose his cool.

«I have never seen anything as disgraceful and outrageous and despicable as the last demonstration that just took place,» he said.Capitol Police eventually removed the protesters from the room.McCain defended his rebuke of the protest on FOX News Thursday afternoon.

No American citizen testifying before Congress should be subjected to such @CodePink intimidation, esp not a 91-year-old former Sec of State— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) January 29, 2015

«It was terribly upsetting to me. Frankly, when someone does almost physically threaten someone.

I do believe they should be arrested. If they want to demonstrate and be thrown out, that’s one thing , I don’t like it, but I have never objected to it, but what they almost did to Dr. Kissinger is beyond the realm of decent behavior in my view,” he said.“They can say anything they want to and yet when people physically threaten an individual – that’s not what America is supposed to be all about, that’s not what our laws are about and that’s certainly not the way that the United States Senate should have the ability to conduct a hearing so that we can inform the American people.”

Salute: George Schultz, 94, and Madeleine Albright, 77, both rose to their feet to applaud Henry Kissinger as the protesters were removed

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En mi opinión, la izquierda roja rojita no le enseña a su gente a como comportarse en una democracia, no saben como actuar educadamente, son violentos, bullies, agresivos, les gusta abusar, insultar a los demás e imponerse por la fuerza.

Actitudes que demuestran que cuando no se tiene la razón hay que imponerse violentamente, actitud de la izquierda revolucionaria. Eso fue lo que hicieron ayer las mujeres de Code Pink en el Capitolio Federal.

Las mujeres deben estar para defender issues de mujeres, no para defender hombres o defender causas comunistas.

Las preguntas que hay que hacerse son…

¿Por qué estas mujeres no defienden 

a las mujeres musulmanas que sufren violaciones de sus derechos bajo la Ley Sharía del Islam?

¿Por qué estas mujeres no le hacen un piquete 

a los Castro en Cuba para que dejen de atropellar 

a las Damas de Blanco?

¿Por que no hacen una protesta contra el gobierno chavistas en Venezuela para que dejen de atropellar a las mujeres venezolanas, a las Mujeres de Negro, o para defender a la jueza Afiuni, a la esposa de Leopoldo López o a María Corina Machado que le fracturaron la nariz en plena sala de la Asamblea Nacional?

¿Por qué no defienden a las mujeres en todo el mundo que sufren violencia doméstica?

No, no lo harán, 

eso no es parte del libreto rosa.

No, no lo harán, sus intereses son otros, muy rojos-rojitos por cierto. Ayer demostraron que son capaces de faltarle el respeto a cualquiera que sea republicano “de derecha” con tal de desprestigiarlos donde quiera que se presenten. Clásica táctica comunista roja-rojita.

“El comunismo… el machismo-leninismo, una variante dialéctica de la testosterona. Busca el sometimiento de la santa esposa”

Carlos Alberto Montaner

¿Sabrán esto las de Code Pink?

Mucha gente se preguntará 

que resuelven las mujeres de Code Pink con estas manifestaciones, sencillo, sacar pa’fuera todo el odio acumulado con la propaganda embrutecedora comunista

a la que se someten. ¿Indoctrinación? Of course!

Y los hombres comunistas, 

muy machistas por cierto, 

riéndose de ellas.

Such is Life!

Publicado por Marilou Rivera Ramos

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