Opinions by Dennis O. Freytes (MPA, MHR, BBA); American Veteran; Community Servant Leader

Dennis O. Freytes (MPA, MHR, BBA); American Veteran;


USA Nunca Le Ha Fallado a Puerto Rico – Este es el momento de demostrar tu disposición al sacrificio por la Igualdad

Community Servant Leader

Subject: Status & PROMESA


The Federal Government (US President, US Congress, and US Supreme Court) must STOP institutional discrimination against 2d Class US Citizens—Puerto Ricans/ American Veterans (that can’t Vote for their US President; don’t have just representation in their US Congress; no consent of the governed…or full Parity in Laws, permanent US Citizenship or benefits… like OTHER US Citizens enjoy)!

After almost 120 years of undemocratic Territorial (Colonial) Status, the Federal Government, that at times has been benevolent,  must do its sacred duty—ensure Equal US Citizenship (with protected Individual Civil Rights-consent of the governed); advance our representative democracy—BREAK Puerto Rico’s undemocratic Territorial/ Colonial Shackles!

*CONGRESS should take ACTION- redress a wrong: The best final SOLUTION:

Conduct a DEMOCRATIC PLEBISCITE– with clear Constitutional NON-TERRITORIAL OPTIONS (that don’t confuse)– which are only two:

  • STATEHOOD—Admittance to the US –UNION of STATES working for the common good MEANS: Permanent US Citizenship; US Constitution; PR Constitution; ALL rights, benefits, and responsibilities; State Identity and Sovereignty… (Example: “Estado Boricua Soberano” de EEUU—like the” Lone Star Republic” of Texas…) vs
  • INDEPENDENCE (without or with a PACT of Association);

MEANS: PR Citizenship; PR Constitution…; loss of US Citizenship; loss of benefits, and loss of protection of US Constitution…

**NOTE: Those born in Puerto Rico have an un-permanent statutory US Citizenship, even if residing in a State… Thus, all statutory US Citizens have Legal Standing to participate in a Congressional PR Status Plebiscite, because the outcome can affect them.

The US, also, belongs to Puerto Ricans, who are integrated US Citizens, (with own identity like other States have)! Hispanic Ancestors, sailed from Puerto Rico- found Florida (1513)—opened the doors to advance civilization (of the times)-107 years before the Pilgrims! Puerto Ricans have sacrificed; shed sweat, blood and tears…; made many other great contributions to the forming of our US that includes fighting in the War of Independence, Civil War, WW-I, WW-II, Korea, Vietnam, and up to today for our noble US Flag. (Besides, the US 65th Infantry—the Borinqueneers, who suffer discrimination, led the way—wining the Congressional Gold Medal—highest honor Congress can bestow…)

Politicians must stop distorting the truth; stop generalizations, speculations, confusing, and outright lies!

Again, the only true FINAL NON-COLONIAL SOLUTION is: STATEHOOD or INDEPENDENCE (per US Constitution)! Let the People decide; not the politicians or a local Constitutional Assembly…! Besides, local Plebiscites have no force for change. It is the Federal Government’s duty to serve justice; take ACTION, now!

INDEPENDENCE would be catastrophic for Puerto Rico! The best solution is STATEHOOD. But, let the People democratically decide!

After almost 120 years of inequality and suppression; Puerto Rico’s great contributions (since 1513) to our now USA–Patriots of True Grit will march into Hell for a Heavenly just cause—EQUALITY/FAIRNESS; equal protection under just laws; due process… The call is out for JUSTICE or Civil Rights peaceful disobedience! UNITED–With truth and ACTION—WE will overcome!



Hola! WE must FOCUS! THE BEST CONSTITUTIONAL L SOLUTION FOR PUERTO RICO’s undemocratic and discriminatory STATUS is: a Congress mandated Plebiscite with clearly defined Constitutional Options (that don’t confuse)-EXAMPLE below.

It’s time, to stop discrimination; political distortion! The US and Puerto
Rico’s Justice Departments must do their duty–take up the just cause-EQUALITY fight to the Federal/ US Supreme Courts—until they do true justice; not continue to abide by faulty pass biased decisions rooted in racism, and discrimination! The US Citizen comes first!

The US President; US Congress; Federal/US Supreme Courts are there to serve and fight for its US Citizens, not suppress them! Thus, after almost 120 years (since 1898) of un-democratic discrimination against the US Territory of Puerto Rico and its 2d Class US Citizens– it is the duty of the Federal Government to take ACTION; enact a Final Solution: Statehood vs Independence (with or without Pact).



  1. PURPOSE/ GENERAL: This is a sanctioned Congressional Plebiscite for US Citizens (Statutory-born in Puerto Rico, and Others residing in the US Territory of Puerto Rico) mandated by the US Congress, IAW the US Constitution Territorial Clause that states: Congress shall have the power to dispose of and make all rules, and regulations pertinent to the Territory or Property belonging to the United States.

The US Congress will democratically measure the free will of the US Citizens residing in the US Territory of Puerto Rico and other statutory US Citizens (no matter where they reside)– as to their desire to select an EQUAL Non-Territorial Status, per the US Constitution.

The US Congress offers EQUALITY through: Statehood or Independence (with or without Pact); naturalization of Statutory US Citizens in the States; a transition period of 5 years… per the below defined OPTIONS, IAW the Constitution of the United States.





MEANS: The US Territory of Puerto Rico will enter the “Union of the United States” as Equals— with a permanent US Citizenship, under the US Constitution, with—equal rights, responsibilities, and benefits; State Boricua Identity; State Sovereignty; State Constitution.

_______INDEPENDENCE- (With or Without Pact)


_______INDEPENDENCE with PACT (Free Associated Republic or other name)

 MEANS: The US Territory of Puerto Rico would become a Sovereign Entity with Puerto Rican Citizenship, under a Puerto Rican Constitution, but, with a PACT of Association with the United States; which terms need to be negotiated; can be terminated by any of the Parts. A PR Constitutional Convention will negotiate the Pact.


  • All Federal Benefits will be lost-Social Security, MEDICARE, MEDCAID, etc.); Federal Funding will cease: (Health, Defense, Security, Education, Transportation, Roads, etc.– upon INDEPENDENCE- becoming only Citizens of Puerto Rico.
  • Statutory (by law) US Citizens (born in Puerto Rico; no matter their residency) have a non-permanent US Citizenship that will be lost (an Entity can’t be Sovereign with the Constitution or Citizenship of another Entity). But, Congress will naturalize those statutory US Citizens residing in a State, as to the date of the Plebiscite.
  • Puerto Rico Association with the United States PACT, to be negotiated by a PR Constitutional Convention or any other way, as determined by the “Citizens of Puerto Rico”, with the US Congress, can include some Defense, Security, Economic, and possibly other things that will mutually benefit Puerto Rico and the US. But, this PACT can be terminated by any of the parts (Puerto Rico or US) at any time.


MEANS: The US Territory of Puerto Rico would become a Sovereign Entity with Puerto Rican Citizenship (under a Puerto Rican Constitution) with no negotiated Associated Pact or Treaty.


  • All Federal Benefits will be lost-Social Security, MEDICARE, MEDCAID, etc.); Federal Funding will cease: (Health, Defense, Security, Education, Transportation, Roads, etc.– upon INDEPENDENCE- becoming only Citizens of Puerto Rico.
  • Statutory (by law) US Citizens (born in Puerto Rico; no matter their residency) have a non-permanent US Citizenship that will be lost (an Entity can’t be Sovereign with the Constitution or Citizenship of another Entity). But, Congress will naturalize those statutory US Citizens residing in a State, as to the date of the Plebiscite.



Those that want Independence for Puerto Rico (which is an honorable option) should understand the FACTS, and REASON; not abide by misplaced emotions!

I have yet to see an INDEPENDENCE LEADER call for a fair Plebiscite-STATEHOOD vs INDEPENDENCE or provide the facts or cost of Independence?? Also, not distort, generalize or speculate or provide aged Excuses or appeal to REASON, not fear or hate or personal attacks….

SOME FACTS to Focus on, are

INDEPENDENCE has never received more than 2-5% in local Plebiscites.

INDEPENDENCE (without or with PACT of Association)– would set Puerto Rico back over 50 years. It would be catastrophic for the People! NO Social Security; NO MEDICARE; NO MEDICAID; loss of about $25 billion in Federal Funds for Healthcare; Education; Transportation, Emergency Management; Security…; loss of JOBs; tanking of the economy…etc.!

Besides, why don’t INDEPENDENCE/ALL LEADERS call for a constitutional non-territorial Status with clearly defined OPTIONS that don’t misinform or mislead: STATEHOOD vs INDEPENDENCE (without or with PACT)? Let Puerto Ricans decide their destiny? Not a few or a self-proclaimed Elitist, who think they know better??

If you want Independence for Puerto Rico, while you live in the States (with all rights, benefits, and responsibilities)–why you don’t move with your Family to Puerto Rico and share in the agony? Don’t wish for others what you don’t wish for yourself or your Family!!!! Let REASON prevail!

The majority (millions)– cherish their US Citizenship; are integrated in the MACRO Western Civilization…; believe that the best solution/ option is STATEHOOD (own IDENTITY and STATE SOVEREIGNTY) An “ESTADO BORICUA SOBERANO” (like the lone Star Republic of Texas…)!


*NOTE: Please, See other comments on IGUALDAD-for additional facts and a logical pragmatic analysis and recommendations for the good of all!


PROMESA, aunque imperfecta, es NECESARIA, sino, la crisis/desastre sería PEOR! Este es el 1er paso para salir del hoyo! La lucha continúa por la IGUALDAD!

El RC Pedro Pierluisi es un HÉROE noble y con diplomacia que lucha con RAZÓN e incansablemente por el bien de los Puertorriqueños. Es el mejor de todos los Otros Líderes del País!  También, el Gobernador García Padilla hace lo correcto en apoyar (con reservaciones) a PROMESA; defiende al Pueblo con tesón sobre los Fondos Buitres… BIEN HECHO a los dos!

PERO, los otros Líderes (incluyen a Bernier, R. Rosselló, Ferre, J. González, Bahtia…), que tienen algunos buenos puntos democráticos (que estoy de acuerdo), pero estuvieron en contra de PROMESA,  están fuera de tiempo,,, No se debe distorsionar o jugar política con esta crisis que le cuesta mucho a Puerto Rico.

ADEMAS-GRACIAS al Speaker Ryan (R), Pres. Obama (D), Rep. Pelosi (D), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R), Sen. Reid (D), RC Pierluisi y otros por tomar acción bipartidista! PROMESA es imperfecta, pero necesaria—el primer paso hacia la recuperación!

Pal diablo mandamos al Sen. Sanders, Sen. Menendez, Rep.  Gutiérrez y los otros POLITIQUEROS que no fueron constructivos y pusieron en peligro la recuperación de Puerto Rico en este proceso de PROMESA; todavía están gritando para sus propios intereses Políticos! Ya los Puertorriqueños no quieren otra puerca de Juan Bobo!

Estos, están cantando canciones que se saben desde 1898! Y sigue cantado sin hacer nada para liberar a Puerto Rico. Porque no introducen una solución final– medida Congresional constitucional: ESTADIDAD vs INDEPENDENCIA (sin o con PACT de Asociación)??? Pongan acción donde está su boca grande politica! Yo espero que recapaciten, déjense de rodeos,  y no vuelvan a la misma política fanática de antes… (STOP the political GRANDSTANDING, but, constructive work for the good of all!)

Sino, hay que unir esfuerzo no-partidista; ser pragmático;  para resolver los problemas serios estructurales: equitativos, fiscales, de Estatus (ESTADIDAD vs INDEPENDENCIA-sin o con PACTO) y otros; traer verdadero progreso a nuestra querida Boriken! La lucha continua! Pa’ Lante por el bien de todos: Familia, Comunidad, Puerto Rico, EEUU, y la Humanidad!

Best Wishes; for the good of all! V/R,

Dennis  (1st PH: 407-298-1151// 2d-Mobile: 321-276-1309//3d PR: 787-946-5859)
Dennis O. Freytes (MPA, MHR, BBA); American Veteran; Community Servant Leader
*NAUS National Board Director; VP-SE (FL-GA-SC-AL-MS-LS-AR-PR); Support American Veterans: www.naus.org

*Chair Florida Vets4Energy– www.vets4energy.com

*Congressional/ Mayor Veterans Advisory Boards








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