Obama Hace lo que el Gobierno de Puerto Rico No Ha Hecho con el Problema del ZIKA

Obama Hace lo que el Gobierno de Puerto Rico No Ha Hecho con el Problema del ZIKA

 Aviso Importante 

El Departamento de Salud Federal, inicio la campaña de orientación LATINOS ZIKA WEEK OF ACTION(1-5 de agosto). Estaremos a través del Concilio #14073 (Presidente-Dr. Rubén D’Acosta, md.)  y el Concilio de Jóvenes #14100 (VP Jóvenes PR.  Elba Crespo), circulando a ustedes durante esta semana, vía email y texto la información recibida de  la “Office of Minority Health | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services”. Ustedes pueden utilizarla en orientaciones, reuniones, eventos, actividades o en el diario compartir.

Agradecemos,  a Liliana Rañon, la información.

Elsie Valdés Ramos

Pasada VP Nacional de Mujeres LULAC

Latino Zika Week of Action (August 1 – 5)

This week, we are putting a heightened focus on getting key messages and information out to Latino populations about the Zika virus, especially highlighting the importance of prevention. Join us in getting the word out to your Latino audiences online. The content includes:

·       CDC – social media messages, graphics.

·       NICHD – social media messages, graphics.

·       Elmo – social media messages, graphic.

1. CDC Content

New Resource!  Zika Prevention: Do Your Part – This podcast series, available in English and Spanish, is a special novella series about Zika prevention and protection against mosquitoes.

Zika Widget – Add the Zika Widget to your web site!

Social Media Messages –


·       The best way to prevent the spread of Zika is to prevent mosquito bites. CDC recommends using EPA-registered insect repellents. http://bit.ly/2aam09E

·       Removing or emptying items that hold water can help control mosquitoes in and around your home. Once a week, empty and scrub, turn over, cover, or throw out any items that hold water like flower pots, tires, birdbaths, and buckets.http://bit.ly/1TKTxnR

·       Do you know how to pack smart for your summer travel? If you’re visiting an area with Zika, remember essentials like insect repellent, long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and condoms. http://bit.ly/2aumhDr

·       Zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause a serious birth defect called microcephaly. If you’re pregnant, do not travel to areas with Zika. Check out this map of areas with active Zika transmission. http://bit.ly/29xrzi7

·       Kids can help control mosquitoes in and around your home! Ask them to help find and empty or throw away items that hold standing water like flower pots, buckets, bird baths, and tires. http://bit.ly/1TKTxnR

·       Usted puede estar corriendo riesgos al visitar a familiares y amigos en una zona con zika. Aprenda cómo mantenerse saludable con las nuevas directrices de los CDC para viajeros que regresan a sus países de origen.http://go.usa.gov/xq2VT

·       Una de las mejores formas de protegerse de las picaduras de mosquitos es usar un repelente de insectos registrado por la EPA. Se ha demostrado que los repelentes de insectos autorizados por la EPA son eficaces y seguros cuando se utilizan siguiendo las indicaciones, incluso en mujeres embarazadas y mujeres que están amamantando. Busque un repelente que contenga uno de los siguientes ingredientes activos: DEET, picaridina, IR3535, o aceite de eucalipto de limón o para-mentano-diol. http://1.usa.gov/1Um30oS

·       La infección por el virus del #Zika durante el embarazo puede causar un defecto congénito grave llamado microcefalia. Si está embarazada no viaje a áreas con #zika. Vea este mapa donde figuran las áreas con transmisión activa del #zikahttp://bit.ly/29ymOoA

·       Los niños pueden ayudar a controlar los mosquitos que hay en su casa y en los alrededores. Pídales que vacíen o desechen los recipientes de agua estancada como floreros, cubas, bebederos de pájaros y neumáticos.http://1.usa.gov/1YvmhnK


·       Mosquitoes that spread #Zika are aggressive biters. Protect yourself by using an EPA-registered repellent.http://bit.ly/2aam09E

·       Prevent #Zika spread after #SummerTravel: avoid mosquito bites for 3 wks, use condoms, see a doc if you get sick. + After Travel graphic

·       Remove or empty items that hold water once a wk. Reduce areas where mosquitoes can lay eggs.http://bit.ly/1TKTxnR

·       Pregnant and living in an area with #Zika? Here are ways you can protect your pregnancy. http://bit.ly/2abfkGa

·       Para controlar los mosquitos, una vez por semana vacíe y limpie, voltee, cubra o deseche los artículos con agua.http://bit.ly/2adN0Qx

·       ¿Está embarazada y vive en un área con #Zika? Aqui hay algunas formas de proteger su embarazo:http://bit.ly/1M4UgL5

·       Tire el agua estancada de su vecindario para proteger a las mujeres #embarazadas de los #mosquitos.http://bit.ly/2adN0Qx

2. NICHD Content

The Zika in Infants and Pregnancy (ZIP) Study

NIH launched the multi-country Zika in Infants and Pregnancy (ZIP) study in collaboration with Brazil’s Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz. The study will evaluate the health risks that Zika virus infection poses to pregnant women and their developing fetuses and infants. Researchers aim to enroll 10,000 pregnant women in their first trimester and follow them throughout their pregnancies. After birth, the infants will be followed for at least one year.

Sample social media to help spread the word:


·       Press release:

The Zika in Infants and Pregnancy (ZIP) study will evaluate in several countries the health risks that Zika virus infection poses to pregnant women and their developing fetuses and infants. The study aims to enroll 10,000 women in areas of Latin America and the Caribbean that are experiencing active, local transmission of the virus. Learn more:http://go.usa.gov/xqW5A.

·       Video:

Learn more about the Zika in Infants and Pregnancy (ZIP) study, a multi-country study led by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Brazil’s Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz. https://youtu.be/goXSkmEQEKI.


·       Press release:

#NIH-funded multi-country study will evaluate health risks that #Zika infection poses during & after #pregnancy:http://go.usa.gov/xqW5A.

·       Video:

Watch a video about an #NIH-funded study that will evaluate #Zika infection during & after #pregnancy:https://youtu.be/goXSkmEQEKI.

New Spanish-language Zika Content from NIH

The NIH Spanish Health Information Portal now offers timely Zika content in Spanish. The evidence-based information includes how the Zika virus is transmitted; its effects on overall health, particularly among pregnant women; and ways to prevent transmission.

POC: Carla Alvarez Mells: Carla_Alvarez@nih.gov & Christen Sandoval: Christen.Sandoval@nih.gov

Facebook messages (English and Spanish versions of each)

·       NIH now offers timely Zika content in Spanish! Visit NIH’s Spanish portal. http://go.usa.gov/xCbvB

·       Si necesita información acerca del virus del Zika, visite el portal de los NIH en español. http://go.usa.gov/xCbvB

·       Are you traveling to a Zika-affected area this summer, or do you know someone who will? NIH now offers timely Zika content in Spanish! http://go.usa.gov/xCbvB

·       ¿Planea usted, o alguien que conoce, viajar a un área afectada por el virus del Zika este verano? Si es así, encuentre información de los NIH acerca este virus, en español. http://go.usa.gov/xCbvB

·       How can Zika affect your family? Find the answers in Spanish via NIH’s Pregunta a Carla Q&A. http://1.usa.gov/1R2cSi3

·       ¿Puede el Zika afectar a su familia? Encuentre respuestas en español en la sección Pregunta a Carla, de los NIH.http://1.usa.gov/1R2cSi3

Tweets (English and Spanish versions of each)

·       Do you need #Zika information in Spanish? Find it here, from @NIH. http://go.usa.gov/xCbvB

·       ¿Necesita información del #Zika en español? Visite @NIH. http://go.usa.gov/xCbvB

·       Traveling to a #Zika-affected area? NIH now offers timely Zika content in Spanish! http://go.usa.gov/xCbvB

·       Si planea viajar a un área afectada por el #Zika lea información en español @NIH. http://go.usa.gov/xCbvB

·       Have questions about how #Zika can affect your family? Find answers in Spanish from @NIH. http://go.usa.gov/xCbyh

·       ¿Puede el #Zika afectar a su familia? Encuentre respuestas en @NIH. http://go.usa.gov/xCbyh

Treating and Caring for Children Exposed to Zika Virus in the Womb

NIH is hosting a workshop to identify optimal treatment and care approaches for children exposed to Zika virus in the womb.Register for the workshop, which will be held at the Bethesda North Marriott and Conference Center on September 22-23, 2016.

Sample social media to help spread the word:


·       How should health care providers evaluate and monitor babies and children affected by Zika virus during in the womb? NIH is hosting a workshop to discuss optimal clinical, research, and treatment strategies. Register today:http://go.usa.gov/xx9bB.

·       Exposure to Zika virus in the womb can cause birth defects and other long-term complications for babies and children. But what are the best therapies for these children? Learn more at an NIH workshop that will identify optimal care and treatment strategies: http://go.usa.gov/xx9bB.


·       How should #healthcare providers treat babies, children affected by #Zika? #NIH hosts workshop to discuss:http://go.usa.gov/xx9bB.

·       DYK? #NIH will host a workshop to discuss optimal care strategies for babies & children affected by #Zika: http://go.usa.gov/xx9bB.

3. Elmo videos


Elmo and Raya Learn About Zika

Elmo and Raya Learn How To Prevent Mosquito Bites

  • Remember: If the mosquito can’t bite you…bye, bye #Zika. [LINK/VIDEO] [IMAGE]
  • Protect yourself from #Zika. @Elmo has some tips to avoid #mosquito bites. [LINK/VIDEO]
  • Parents: @Elmo and Raya are here to help your kids understand #Zika. [LINK/VIDEO] [IMAGE]
  • A great video to share with your kids. @Elmo & Raya have tips to avoid #mosquito bites. [LINK/VIDEO]
  • Today’s mission…keep #mosquitos from breeding around your home. [Raya and @Elmo have tips.] #Zika [LINK/VIDEO]
  • .@Elmo and Raya have some simple tips to help you protect yourself from #Zika. [LINK/VIDEO]


Plaza Sésamo: Elmo y Raya saben sobre el zika

  • Protégete contra el #Zika. @Elmo tiene algunos consejos de cómo evitar las mordidas de mosquitos. [insert link/graphic]
  • .@Elmo y Raya tienen algunos consejos de cómo protegerse contra el #Zika. [insert link/graphic]
  • ¡Compártelo con tus hijos! @Elmo y Raya tienen consejos para protegerse contra el #Zika. [insert link/graphic]





This morning, President Obama released a video message in El Nuevo Dia kicking off our Latino Zika Week of Action and urging the people of Puerto Rico to protect themselves from the Zika virus. You can watch President Obama’s video message below.

Please share President Obama’s video message with your families, neighbors, and community as we work together to combat the spread of Zika.

As the President stressed in his video message, the spread of Zika is a critical concern to our families and communities. Zika outbreaks are occurring in many countries, especially throughout Latin America, and territories around the world, now including parts of the United States. According to health officials, the Zika virus is directly linked to microcephaly in infants, a condition that can stunt brain development. Throughout the week, the Obama Administration will lay out facts and provide tips on how you can protect yourself and your family from the Zika virus.

While there is no vaccine to prevent Zika, here is a list of useful tips to protect yourself and your family from the virus:

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants
  • Stay in places with air conditioning
  • Cover your windows with screens to keep mosquitoes outside
  • Clear any standing water around your home
  • Use mosquito netting
  • Prevent sexual transmission of Zika by using contraception

For more information, please visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of Minority Health resource pages (English and Spanish) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Zika virus page.

Ginette Magana
Senior Associate Director
The White House | Office of Public Engagement

This email was sent to liliana.ranon@hhs.gov.
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Elsie Valdes Ramos

LULAC  Past National Vice President for Women
Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Launching the Zika in Infants and Pregnancy (ZIP) Study

Launching the Zika in Infants and Pregnancy (ZIP) Study

Preview YouTube video Elmo and Raya Learn About Zika

Elmo and Raya Learn About Zika

Preview YouTube video Elmo and Raya Learn How To Prevent Mosquito Bites

Elmo and Raya Learn How To Prevent Mosquito Bites

Preview YouTube video Plaza Sésamo: Elmo y Raya saben sobre el zika

Plaza Sésamo: Elmo y Raya saben sobre el zika
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