The Runaway Congressman from Arizona!



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The Runaway Congressman from Arizona!

Published on : Published by : @trueblue51


FORMER UNITED PRESS AND THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSWRITER and former stateDemocrati cchair of the New Democratic Party of Puerto Rico and Deputy Campaign Manager of the Carter Mondale presidential campaign

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“Deception is an art and San Juan’s Mayoresss Carmen Yulin Cruz is its’poster Child“- FDL

Next week the U.S. Congress Natural Resources Committee Chair by Arizonas 3rd Congresional district Rep Raul Grijlva is visting in Puerto Rico with this full committee, escaping the snowy cold weather of Washington D.C. to hold A tso called “town Hall” event to discuss the future of The Federal fiscal Board appointed as an oversight to run and control the territory’s government and budget. Grijalva has been charged by the National press of paying $48,000.00 for harasing a female employee of the Natural Resources Committee that his chairs. This matter has been ignored by the local colonial territorial press. See:

Grijalva has coordinated the upcoming event to be held at the San Juan coliseum run and controlled bu his new political allied The Mayor of San Juan. The event instead of discussing the colonial, segregationist and discriminatory colonial condition of 3.3 million American citizens will become an anti-trump circus! Instead of addressing the demands of political equality of the citizens of Puerto Rico who have demanded political equality through statehood, is betting his political future allying with the defenders of segregation and discrimination of our People, A disgrace for a Mexican -American politician from Arizona’s 3rd district!

It may have been a  a Chinese philosopher who said that “to be successful in politics you must mastered the art of deception.” After the the United States media  and every political analyst misread the blueprints of Donald J. Trump’s successful election campaign anything goes in our National political eco system. The press has been used very effectively by  Mr. Trump to exploit noe nationalistic themes polarizing the ethnic diversity of our Nation and creating a solid 44% electoral based.


The same press that invested thousands of hours looking for the most insignificant evidence to obliterate the person and the message of Donald J Trump is the same one that ignored and swept under the rug the fact that it was a so called “progressive” and liberal president that conducted policies that was called by the National press Club as “OBama: the war against Wistleblowers”  See:

*In eight years of Obama’s presidency, the administration launched a record number of cases against those who revealed what the government wanted kept secret including cases where journalists were prosecuted. While he did not order the prosecution of even one single culprits responsible for the collapse of the financial system! Under Obama, eight whistleblowers have been prosecuted under the World War I-era Espionage Act, more than under all other presidents  including George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush combined! In his two terms as president Obama deported more Latinos seeking to live the “American dream” than Potus 41 and 43 combined!

Image result for photos of natalie jaresko

 The National Media has ignored with  benign neglect Obama’s policies towards the territory of Puerto Rico. Obama a Harvard Constitutional lawyer and An Africa-American was very timid in addressing with boldness the segregationist and discriminatory policies against 3.3 millions American citizen residing in Puerto Rico.Instead he created a Federal Fiscal Supervisory Board ran by an UCRANIAN Intel asset to rule over the colonial territory!Under her tenure Natalie Jaresko has wasted tens of millions of dollars in contacts to law firms The European news consortium revealed an expose charging that Ms. Jaresko enriched herself  with millions of dollars U. S. Aid Federal funds during the Ukranian crisis. See: Exclusive: Ukraine’s Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko collected at least $1.77 million in bonuses from a U.S.-taxpayer-funded investment project that she ran even as it was losing money, a sign that her image as a paragon of public-interest “reform” may not be all that it’s cracked up to be, reports Robert Parry. See:

This is not 911. This is a photo of a victim of terrorist act committed by Oscar Lopez Rivera, an American citizen not a muslim!

On a cold winter day on January 25, 1975 patrons at Fraunces Tavern were sharing their end of the dayexperiences in the Wall Street district in New York City . A couple was celebrating their engagement when  interrupted by a bomb blast! The engaging couple was killed by the blast! Four persons were killed and 43 persons were injured yesterday when a dynamite powered fragmentation bomb, reportedly planted by an underground PuertoRican group, exploded and spewed nails and other shrapnel through historic Fraunces Tavern and an exclusive dining club in the Wall Street district.

The NYC Daily New wrote: “Even as the dazed and screaming victims, one of them with an arm torn off, were being carried away, the FALN – Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional Puertoriquena (Armed Forces of Puerto Rican National Liberation) – telephoned the Associated Press and gloated that one of its agents had planted the explosive device”.One of the agents who builts bomb for that terorist act In the heart of Wall Street and many others was Oscar Lopez Rivera who may be present at the town hall meeting in San Juan.


By the end of his second and final term on January 20, 2017, United States President Barack Obama had exercised his constitutional power to grant executive clemency—that is, “pardoncommutation of sentence, remission of fine or restitution, and reprieve”[1]—to 1,927 individuals convicted of federal crimes. Of the acts of clemency, 1,715 were commutations (including 504 life sentences) and 212 were pardons.[2] Most individuals granted executive clemency by Obama had been convicted on drug charges,[3] and had received lengthy and sometimes mandatory sentences at the height of the war on drugs.[4]

Obama deported more latinos than Goer h>W. Bush and George W. Bush combine!

Obama holds the record for the largest single-day use of the clemency power, granting330 commutations on January 19, 2017, his last full day in office.[5][6] He also has issued more commutations than the past thirteen presidents combined!

Oscar Lopez with members of Cuba’s communist party in La Havana, Cuba!

The National press once again ignored the historical facts that it was the work of a Puerto Rican terrorist, not amuslim, but an American citizen from the territory of Puerto Rico. Mr. Lopez once pardoned was honored by usual communist dictatorships the likes of Cuba’s Raul Castro,Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega all of them accused ofassassinations and crimes against humanity. The FALN bomb makers was honored by theMayoress of San Juan and gave his daughter a $3,000 a month consultant contract paidby San Juan’s tax-payers.


But the visible distaste of the National media against President Trump’s political message is such that they simply suffered from amnesia and again prevented the true facts of Mayoress Yulin Cruz’s behavior to be known by the American people! She supports a sovereign Puerto Rico without any presence or jurisdiction of the USA Federal Government.


On October 5, 2017, President Trump came to Puerto Rico to see the witness the devastation of hurricane Maria! Instead of using the time, Trump was in Puerto Rico tobring the list of needs for the citizens of the city of San Juan to bring it to his attention. Mayoress Yulin seized the opportunity to attack the president incoherent and bizarre discriminatory  and racist behavior. The National media swallowed her lure and she became aninstant National celebrity by  confronting the lunatic leader of the “free” world! The U.S. mediawhen it wants to, researches extensively the past behavioral facts of public officials that propels them into the sphere of the National stage. But in her case it was ignored. The press ignored the following facts:


Muño Marin the putative father of the Popular Democratic Party and the “creator” with Washington’s deep Government of the so called “free associated states of Puerto Rico”based the ideology or the supporters of commonwealth on the following fundamental principles: common citizenship, currency, defense in a “permanent union with theUnited States.”

Mayor Cruz has re-written those foundations in the following manner

  • “I want a Puerto Rico without the U.S. Federal Court system in other words “Yankee go home!”See:
  • I want Puerto Rico without the FBI. She is being currently under investigation by the FBI for city government corruption! Please see:
  • If you want permanent Union you should become a member of the New Progressive Party (the EQUALITY party).
  • Mayor Yulin does not believe in the right to vote for President of the United States but urges PuertoRicans on the mainland to do  so: See via @YouTube
  • Since her “confrontation with President Trump Mayor Cruz has been touring the United State together with her partner and mentor former NYC City Council Chair and raisin millions from liberal billionaires like George Soros for an unknown foundation that she chairs with no oversight.!
  • Mark Viverito has become her mentor and has exposed the San Juan Mayor to the National Media as the poster child of the anti-trump movement within the USA Latino community.
  • Ms Mark Veverito claim to fame has been here refusal to honor the National Antehm of the United State in official ceremonies of remembrance for the 911 victims : See See:

And Now you know the rest of the story…..More to come!

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